Donnerstag, 28. Juli 2011

Development Diary #1

  • How to Start Game Development
  • The "right" programming language
  • The "right" engine

How great, I am a game developer!
And you can become one too in a few minutes!! ;)

I found the first steps and arguments, how to start gamedevelopment, written in a nice form in this article:
How Do I Make Games ?

Tetris -> Breakout -> Pacman -> Super Mario -> Ferrari
This way sounds very promising to learn some important parts of gamedevelopment, which won't loose validity in future.

Some other ressources i want to recommend:
  • - very cool magazine for (wannabe) gamedevelopers, good articles and a reasonably priced digital download
  • - Interesting articles and a very broad board with many members
  • - Business-News about games
  • - Perhaps the most important german magazine with a great "job offer" category and a free test issue
  • - Great US-magazine with some exclusive news from the games industry